" E-learning program's content, graphics and Job Aids
are excellent... Analytical techniques and implementation were of most value
to me "
- Manager, ALM All State Financial
" Content, graphics, Job Aids are excellent "
Managing Director East-West United Bank
" The calculators provided with e-learning course library
are fantastic "
- Research Analyst Cove Asset Management
" The content, graphics and Job Aids of e-learning
course library on ALM are excellent "
- Head of Treasury Raiffisen Bank
" All Job Aids (References, Calculators, Benchmarking
data, etc.) in the e-learning products are excellent "
- Team Leader, Risk Management Division ZAGRABECKA BANKA
" Great Job, The instructor. Dr Sam Srinivasaulu, did
an excellent job. The Job Aids references, Calculators...are excellent "
- President, Dehring Bunting & Golding Jamaica
" I was impressed by its ability to facilitate learning
in an interactive, well-organized and dynamic way. "
- Division of Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve
Bank Chicago
" The e-learning program's Content, Graphics and Job
Aids are excellent and user friendly; there is wealth of useful information.
The measurement tools are useful "
-Team Leader, Credit Group Bank Mandiri
" The instructor's knowledge of the subject was exceptional;
the Case Studies and e-learning tools made the learning very enjoyable "