Rajhi Bank
Background: |
Liability Management for Islamic Banks. Al Rajhi is the world's largest
Islamic Bank and is located in Saudi Arabia. On the invitation of the
Chairman we did a very challenging and interesting training / consultancy
assignment. This was an unchartered territory as Islamic Bank products,
by definitions, do not have 'interest rate' risk, a creative adaptation
of ALM concepts needed.
Objective: |
adapt Asset Liability Management concepts as practiced in conventional
banking to Islamic Banks.
Presented By: | Sam L. Srinivasulu, Ph.D., President, GFTT. |
Topics Covered for Islam Bank ALM included: |
Concepts of ALM organization, Liquidity Management, Transfer Pricing,
Risk / profit sharing, Capital Planning, Pricing and Product design.
Target Audience: |
Management (ALCO members, CFO Treasury, All division heads and also the
ALCO support group.)
No. of Delegates: | 25 |
Training Methodology: |
in three separate ALM for Islamic Banking Seminars held in Bahrain, Dr.
Sam L. Srinivasulu, presented best practices in ALM concepts, and moderated
a discussion on their applicability. Similar presentations were made to
bankers in Malaysia and Indonesia.
on the accumulated experience in providing customized In-house seminar
on this topic, we are now developing a e-learning course titled "
Asset Liability Management for Islamic Bank".